Friday, February 27, 2015

Bumpdate: Week 23

Today Jerry and I went to start our registry at Meijer only to find out that they no longer due registries. Left with almost no options we ran to Target and luckily found everything we needed and registered there. That's one registry done, one to go. Anyways this week's bumpdate.

How far along? 23 weeks and 6 days!
Total weight gain: I am 141 lb. I was stuck at 138 for so long and now I finally broke through. Sixteen pounds total weight gain since the beginning.
Stretch marks: No new ones!

Sleep: Still tough to come by. I just get a lot of back pain and short of getting a back massage every night nothing relieves it. Hopefully I can find some comfortable position soon and get some needed rest.
Miss anything? Besides sleeping on my back and stomach, not much this week.
Movement: She moves constantly! She loves the radio in the car, and she always stops and listens to daddy's voice. Lately she has been cuddling my bladder and lower stomach and we can feel her little back and butt pressed up against my belly.

Cravings: Still lots of chocolate! Jerry says it's just a sweet tooth and I use the baby as an excuse, but you know, it works! Also potatoes and cottage cheese have been another lately.
What makes you sick? Nothing lately!
Labor signs: None!
General Pregnancy Symptoms: I have been feeling a little on the emotional side this week. I don't know why, but I feel like it's a lot easier for my moods and emotions to take random turns, which is really new for me so far.

Looking forward to: V-Day! Sunday is the day Olivia becomes viable for the outside world. She better not take a peek at it quite yet though!
What's baby up to: Olivia is starting to pick up noises from the outside world and recognize them! Like the radio, she now hears the microwave go off, or the purr of a kitty on my stomach. We are also beginning to see her little kicks and wiggles from the outside!
Exercise: Not much this week, I didn't even get to do my squats everyday, but I did do a lot of walking today at the registry and yesterday touring my new workplace. 

That's all for today. Jerry and I finally went out and just bought a hot glue gun for the DIY project, but then we ran out of rope for it. Hoping to finish it by the end of this week, but we'll see.

Until tomorrow,

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