Thursday, February 19, 2015

More House Updates

Today has been a long, long day. Last night Jerry and I went out and rented a carpet cleaner to start in the process of redoing the house. Last night and all day today we have been moving and hauling stuff back and forth, from room to room cleaning all the carpeting in the house. We finally finished but now the house needs to be cleaned and organized, but at least our carpets are clean. 

This is our living room right after carpet cleaning.
(a note on the big carpet stain: Jerry, often gets very bored in winter and since he is a woodworker he hates the winter even more because it's hard for him to use his power tools inside. This puts him in the situation where he tries to work on small stuff inside, like staining some of his wooden wands. Well, Jerry is no longer allowed to use wood stain inside. We have another carpet that normally covers this spot, and we also have heavy duty stain remover Jerry has not gotten around to doing it yet, so until then I will be moving the other carpet back.) 

This is the nursery. We don't have much furniture right now and it's also doubling for a small storage space. Ignore the mess as most of it is from the carpet cleaning transfer of stuff.

Then I finally sit down to post the blog post I had written previously and apparently it was deleted from my computer so starting fresh. With today's post, I wanted to discuss the basis for re-modeling or re-decorating a room. I suggest grabbing a pen and a pad of paper and going to the room that plans on getting the new updo and then answer these four questions:

1. What do I not like about the room? Or what can I get rid of?
 In every room there has to be something you don't like or at least some clutter that could be removed otherwise why would you want to change. Think about the things you don't like and why you don't like them. If it's something you can immediately get rid of, do it.

2. Do I want to re-do or up-do?
Sometimes a room just needs a little bit of change. Maybe moving the couch to a different side of the room or maybe it was just to cluttered and it needed a deep clean. If that's it then great, all done! But if the room still seems kind of like it's putting you off then maybe it's time for a new coat of paint and some new decorations.

3. What do I want to add or change within the room?
Do I want new curtains? A re-upholstered couch? A new picture? A wall-hanging? What do you want or think would make the room look better. Make a list of things you want to add or change about the room. Look on Pinterest and gets some fresh ideas if you get a little stuck, or if you know exactly what you want go with it.

4. What materials do I need to start? 
Lastly, make a shopping list for yourself. Go to each item you wrote in the above list, i.e. curtains, and figure out what you need to make curtains happen. Maybe you want to buy the curtains pre-made, or maybe you have some material lying around that you could make curtains yourself. A curtain rod is definitely required materials. 

A note on number 4: I like making the list of things needed to start in a form of each task separated so I can buy things at my own pace. I will make a list of required materials for curtains, and then one for a chair upholstery. I will keep them separate so that when I go to the store I only work on one task at a time, otherwise the whole aspect of re-doing gets rather daunting and I start to feel a little overwhelmed. It also helps fit things into a budget easier and adds a little more flexibility to an already busy schedule.

Tomorrow I will either go over a new DIY project I want to start, or I will post an easy delicious dinner recipe set, or I will start going room to room in our house answering the above questions.

Until tomorrow,


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