Tuesday, February 17, 2015

House Updates

Well the past month has been one of the busiest months Jerry and I have had for a long time. I apologize for going dark for so long, but unfortunately it could not be helped. I am hoping to pick up where I left off, but this first round of posts may end up being fairly long. 

This first post I want to focus mostly on how the updates on the house are coming. Jerry and I are still unsure whether we will be getting to live in the historic house, information updates on that have been slow in coming. In the mean time we looked again for alternative places to live as our current place was becoming unbearably un-affordable. We found a few places that may in the future pan out, but were currently unavailable. At, kind of the last minute, we discovered that we could purchase the house we live in at a very affordable cost. This has been our latest option, before we can go any further though a lot of paperwork has to be pushed through the system, so we are stuck renting for at least another month or two. In the meantime we might as well prepare for baby and do as much to make ourselves happy as possible. 

 Starting with the far end of the house, these are the before pictures of our crafting/re-enacting room. Currently this room is filled with boxes that we are trying to sort through and decide what to keep and get rid of and sell. 

 The above is the layout of the room currently, and the below is what we hope the layout will be in the end. The below is subject to change, probably a little at least I kind of want to at least try and fit two bookcases in there and maybe still have a tv in there for distraction while crafting. 

 The next room is the nursery I will post a picture of the nursery as soon as I can, right now it's a baby stockpile waiting to be finished. Here is what we want the nursery to be in the end: 

Next we have the living room and kitchen. I have pictures somewhere of them before things were moved, but I cannot find them right now. Here are the layouts though: 
The above is the before and the below the after. Right now the futon has been moved out and the sofa and tv are in the positions below, but we have yet to purchase the other furniture.

Lastly we have the Master bed & bath. I just recently moved the furniture around the other night. Here are the before's: 

 Pardon all the mess, I did not think to take pictures until right before I was ready to move stuff. Here are the layouts we hope to going to and from: 

The above, again is the before and the below the after. I did not get around to moving the bookcase, because it is quite heavy and I didn't want to do that on my own. We also haven't the extra furniture for this room yet either.

This is everything we will be doing furniture and room setting-wise. Tomorrow I will be going through each room with a list of questions that will help me with the finer details of redecorating. I will also post a few DIY projects that I am hoping to start on soon later this week. 

Until tomorrow,


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