Sunday, February 22, 2015

Baby To-Do Lists: Weeks 16-22

Well it's time to catch up on to-do lists like everything else and there are many weeks to catch up on so let's get started!

1. Be sure to get plenty of calcium, from low-fay dairy or supplements.
This was thankfully no problem for me as I starting craving dairy right around this time.

2. Tour local birth centers.
Jerry and I took a tour of our birth center on our first visit to the doctor's office. Sometime just take a trip to the hospital, find the maternity ward and ask for a tour, they will probably be very happy to give you one.

3. Start your baby registry.
Jerry and I still haven't done this and it's now 22 weeks in, we have it narrowed done to the stores and stuff we want we just need to go do it.

4. Ask your mother or grandmother about their birthing experiences.
I am adopted so I sat down with my birth mother recently and asked her how it went with me and my two siblings. But don't just stop with close family experiences ask all women about their experiences, they will be glad to tell.

1. Combat your forgetful "pregnancy brain" with lots of notes and reminders.
Just two days ago I left my wallet at the grocery store luckily someone turned it in to the service counter. But I have to write everything down lately and it is probably the best thing for me.

2. Treat yourself to a prenatal massage.
That's what significant others are for, right? On a serious note though, it is not recommended to get massages unless they are given by a massage therapist who has had training with pregnant women. Massages are a known cause of pre-term labor.

3. Sign up for a childbirth class.
Our hospital doesn't do a sign-up for this until you are in the third trimester. Call your local hospital's maternity ward to find out their specifications on classes.

4. Start a college fund for baby-to-be.
You can open a savings account at your local bank in both of your names or you can start out simple with a change jar. Because money is extra tight for us right now, a change jar is the best we can do. 

5. Pick up a saline spray or humidifier to alleviate congestion caused by pregnancy.
Luckily for me I haven't had much congestion. Probably because it's winter and it's so dry in our house. I have an air purifier but it's not quite the same.

1. Consider signing up for infant CPR, prenatal breastfeeding, or newborn care classes.
Our hospital offers all of these classes. Though both Jerry and I already certified in CPR, I will be exclusively pumping, and we will definitely be taking the newborn care classes. I recommend calling your hospital and seeing what they offer, if they don't offer anything they will probably at least know of a facility that does.

2. Is it a boy or a girl? Find out at your mid-pregnancy ultrasound.
Our ultrasound wasn't until week 20. But either way we have a gorgeous little girl! Here's the link to our gender reveal video:

1. Scan your pictures from your ultrasound and share them via Facebook and email.
We of course did this immediately! 

2. Have a date night. 
Jerry and I have one every week! 

3. Research nursery furniture.
Since almost all our furniture is going to be given to us researching is kind on the back burner. The only thing I have researched thoroughly is the crib.

1. Talk to your other half about how you'll handle life after baby.
Jerry and I talk about this constantly, but we also understand nothing is set in stone.

2. Make sure you have flats or sensible shoes to live in for the next four months.
Time to retire the heels for a while. My mom recently bought me a beautifully, comfy pair of winter boots and just last week I got some new flats for work. All very supportive and with a little wiggle room if cankles decide to make an appearance.

3. Know the symptoms and risks of pre-eclampsia.
Ask your doctor to give you a list of the symptoms, meanwhile she or he will keep an eye out for high-blood pressure a common indicator of eclampsia. 

1. Research pros and cons of breastfeeding. Decide what's best for you and your baby once you have all the facts.
I recently spoke to a lactation counselor and I have researched it online heavily and Jerry and I just started a series of classes on breastfeeding. Here's what we have decided: I will probably breastfeed while in the hospital only. Afterwards I will be exclusively pumping. We love to hectic of a lifestyle and I would like to go back to work as soon after baby as I can. This is the option that works best for us.

2. Get organized and tackle pending projects around the house.
Just this week we carpet cleaned the whole house and as you can see we are in the process of many small updates. 

3. Buy a new maternity bra - again.
Yes, this I must do. I have gone from a 36D to a 38DD to finally I don't even know what size I am right now, but my back and my shoulders ache from the weight of the milk filled melons I am carrying around.

1. Work with your gracious baby shower host to plan party logistics.
My mom has been wonderful and decided to host a shower with me and we are currently working on a guest list. Jerry and I are also throwing a small party just for friends to celebrate our having a baby so we are getting things planned for that as well.

2. Now that you know the sex of the baby take a second look at names.
We had names decided way back at week, probably 8. Olivia Ellison will be her name.

3. Prevent varicose veins; avoid crossing your legs and long periods of sitting or standing, which may result in blood pooled in the legs.
Not crossing my legs is a problem for me, I just find it so comfortable. I have not gotten any varicose veins in my legs though, I have gotten some nice spider veins on the sides of my lower belly. 

That's all to catch up on! Tomorrow I will post a DIY project that I found on Pinterest and am dying to try.

Until tomorrow,

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