Thursday, February 26, 2015

Baby To-Do List: Week 23

So I have been hoping to do another DIY project this week but our hot glue gun has gone missing. Since I figured I should probably post something, this week's baby to-do list was a good place to start. 

1. Go shopping for more maternity clothes.
It was perfect timing for Jerry and I. We got some extra money and I got a new job so I needed new maternity clothes more than ever. We spent the day running around to Goodwill's and I got really lucky with some nice finds.

2. As you think about the baby's first name, don't forget to consider what last name it will take.
Even though Jerry and I are not yet married we have decided she will have his last name, Berg.

3. Test your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors.
They go off whenever I cook meat so they still work.

Since that is all for this week here are some ultrasound pictures from our appointment last month.

Olivia was measured at .76 oz and 11 inches long three weeks ago. We just had our appointment on Tuesday and everything looked good, in fact, the bump is also a week ahead like they think she is. Also baby news, I got my maternity leave settled today and I am thinking I will probably take 8 weeks off, starting on my due date and ending directly two months after that.

Tomorrow I should have either a DIY project finally, a bumpdate, or something along those lines.

Until tomorrow,


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