Saturday, March 7, 2015

Baby To-Do List: Week 24

Not much has been happening this past week. It was spring break for college students so no school. Although this past week I did start training at my new job which was very exciting. It really fits me and I am enjoying it greatly! This week's to-do list is pretty short and simple.

1. Look into childcare options if you are planning to return to work.
I am planning on returning to work. Jerry and I thankfully have really flexible jobs and should not need childcare for at least the first year. Also my college provides childcare once little Olivia reaches a certain age.

2. Start planning the nursery.
I don't know about you but I started planning the nursery when I first found out I was pregnant. We have the layout we want, and we have registered for all the furniture we need now to set it up.

3. Get tested for gestational diabetes.
This is not a fun test. You get to drink this horrible orange liquid and then an hour later they'll draw your blood. And well if you don't pass right away they will continue to draw your blood for about three hours. My appointment is set for when I am 27 weeks, and I do not look forward to it.

Well that's all for today! Tomorrow I will post a bumpdate.

Until tomorrow,


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