Sunday, February 22, 2015

Bumpdate: Week 22

How far along? I am 22 weeks 6 days!
Total weight gain: 125 lb. pre-pregnancy and as of today I am 138.4 lb. So total weight gain is 13.4 lbs.
Stretch marks: None on the belly still (knock on wood), but unfortunately I have some nice red ones on the bottom of my boobs.
Sleep: I am finding it harder and harder to sleep comfortably at night. I spend a lot of time tossing and turning with lots of back pain, then rolling onto my back for 20 minutes to ease the pain, and finally moving back to my sides. 
Miss anything? Greasy over-fried food and salt! Whenever I have something salty or greasy I immediately feel sick and often throw-up.
Movement: Tons! When I wake up in the morning she's already up and moving. She settles down as I get ready, but right after my morning cup of coffee, she's jumping around again. Then it's nap time for the afternoon. When I start cooking dinner and sit down at the end of the day she's moving around again. But she moves the most when I climb in bed at the end of the day, right when I'm trying to fall asleep.
Cravings: Chocolate! but not just chocolate it has to be chocolate brownies, or cake, or cookies.
What makes you sick? Not much makes me sick anymore, unless I have 2 or more hamburgers in a day which I try to avoid. Even the reflux has calmed down, I had tomato soup and grilled cheese the other day and it was delicious.
Labor signs: Thankfully none!
General Pregnancy Symptoms: I feel super fat! I already have the sensation of being a beached whale and I just feel so big, it really tires me out some days. Also I am so hungry all the time, there aren't enough snacks in the house for me to consume! I finally got that energy burst, the pregnant ladies talk about and have been cleaning like crazy lately. Our house hasn't been and stayed this clean in a long time.

Looking forward to: Our doctor's appointment on Tuesday! 
What's baby up to: Little Olivia is getting to be big Olivia! She's over a pound and 12 inches long already! This week lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct and tooth buds are growing beneath the gums. 
Exercise: I am trying to start a small workout regimen, but the most I have been able to achieve everyday is 25-50 squats when I wake up in the morning. Hopefully I can get a better routine down.

That's it for today. Tomorrow I will post all of the baby to-do lists I have been missing over the past month to get everyone caught up.

Until tomorrow,


1 comment:

  1. Hmmm.... if you already feel like a beached whale... wonder what you'll describe it as in June! lol ;) signed - waiting Grammy
