Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Packing our Hospital Bags

Packing the hospital bag has been one thing I kind of keep pushing off until the last minute. I packed a bag for baby about three or four weeks ago, but Jerry and I have nothing packed. We decided it would be a little hard to pre-pack our laptops and such when we use those everyday, so we decided to kind of go a different route. Olivia's bag is all set and I will post a list of the items we packed in there. For our bag we decided to wait and pack when we head to the hospital. 

Olivia's bag contains:
a couple diapers
small pack of wipes
3 outfit changes
a pacifier
burp cloth
receiving blanket
soft blanket

Our bag will contain:
2 changes of clothes for Jerry
2 towels
a change of clothes for me
extra underwear for me
breast pump
cell phones/chargers
nipple cream & nursing pads
makeup/toiletries bag

That's about it. With only 3 1/2 weeks to go things are getting pretty anxious at our house. After Saturday there is almost nothing left for us to do to prepare for her arrival. It seems so odd that it's almost here. Hopefully later this week I will post the baby to do list and some other baby prep items.

Until then,


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bumpdate: Week 36

Well I made it to 36 weeks and as you can tell, I've gotten a lot bigger. So after a few weeks break I'm finally back with my 36 week bumpdate!

How far along? 36 weeks 3 days!
Total weight gain: Today at the doctor's office I was 156 lb. so that makes 31 pounds since the beginning. I can't even tell you how much I am counting down the days until I can head back to the gym.
Stretch marks: Holy crap, YES! They are bright red and all over my stomach. Prevention is no longer possible, damage control is the only option.
Sleep: Our full size bed is now too small for Jerry and I to sleep together, so we have a queen bed that we will be getting on Saturday (thanks to some amazing friends) until then he sleeps on the couch and I get the bed.
Miss anything? I miss everything, from bending over to shopping for cute clothing that fits. Also walking short distances without contractions, I mean I am so glad to be having contractions but I walk for five minutes and they start up immediately.

Movement: She is moving a little less frequently throughout the day, but when she does move is very strong movement for at least a half hour to a hour.
Cravings: I had a craving for ice cream sandwiches for about a month, but that is slowly going away and now it's McChicken's from McDonald's.
What makes you sick? Breakfast! I am starving in the mornings, but after I eat breakfast I get horribly nauseous, and I just have to wait for it to go away.
Labor signs: Contractions and cramps if I walk very far, but nothing that sticks around for a while. According to the doctor I "might" be dilated to a 1, but she hasn't dropped at all. Oh and very TMI, but I no longer have solid stools, which is apparently a sign of labor.
General Pregnancy Symptoms: I have restless leg syndrome really bad still, contractions everyday, she has started pinching my sciatic nerve which shoots constant pain down into my legs. I'm exhausted all the time, but other than that things are going pretty well.

Looking forward to: Getting this baby out of me! Yeah I know it's early and yes I know many of you are going to tell me to be patient and that she's better off in there. I have heard it all in the past few weeks, but you can all just read quietly for a few seconds. Pregnancy is tough and if she appeared right now she would be perfectly fine and healthy, so I can wish for her to get here all I want.
What's baby up to: Well Olivia is about 6 pounds and 18.5 inches long. Her development is pretty much completed. She's a beautiful healthy baby! Some doctors say she is term this week, some say next. All I know is if I head to the hospital with contractions they won't stop them!
Exercise: Jerry and I are taking walks for 30 minutes everyday to try and get her to move down and to get contractions to last. 

Well we go to the doctor every week now and just today I had my group B strep test. No results yet. We have preregistration for childbirth next week and we just picked up our breast pump today. Everything is falling to place and we are so ready for baby Olivia to get here!

Until next time,


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

How to Survive the Last 8 Weeks

The third trimester so far has been the best and the worst trimester I have gone through. The waiting is killing me, but the knowledge that she will be here soon has got me so excited. I have to say that every trimester has had a completely different feel to it. This one feels exhausting, for me anyway. We have been to the hospital 3 times so far this trimester, but nothing seems to be going wrong so that's great. My body on the other hand is getting some of it's biggest changes this trimester. I can't sleep, meals are a thing of the past, leg cramps rule my life, my boobs leak colostrum, stretch marks have made their appearance, and well I just feel fat. Pregnancy is not for the weak of heart, that's for sure. With 8 weeks to go until I get to hold my sweet little baby, you could say I am starting to count down the minutes. To help me (and my body) survive, I have created this list of things to keep with me always. Warning it's a little TMI for those that aren't or have not been pregnant.

1. Pantyliners!
You thought you had to pee before, well now with baby slowly dropping into the birth position, your bladder is now extra squished. Plus baby likes a nice punching bag and your bladder is the best thing! Pantyliners are your new best friend. I recommend carrying some in your purse and having plenty on hand in bathrooms.

2. Nipple Pads
As you start the third trimester you may notice some leakage happening from your breasts. As the trimester goes on you may find the leaking may stop or get worse. Luckily I have not gotten to the point of constant leakage, but I know some women do. Nipple pads become a necessity at that point, they just slip right into your bra. 
3. Lotion, specifically Cooling Lotion
I get the worst heat rash under my bra; cooling aloe vera lotion has become my life saver. I haven't heard of this as much with women with smaller boobs, but my boobs have gone up 3 sizes during this pregnancy and put off way too much heat. Also lotion is good to keep those dreaded stretch marks down. Unfortunately I did not keep up with this as well as I should have and I am now paying the price with six stretch marks on my belly.

4. Naps
I know this isn't something you can carry in your purse, but naps have become so important for me. I need one at least once every other day. 

5. Tylenol
As you stretch farther and farther, it seems more and more aches and pains pop up. Keeping a bottle of Tylenol on hand has helped me a lot. Also Icy Hot patches have been incredibly helpful with all the back pain.

6. Snacks
I keep a constant supply of granola bars and fruit snacks in my purse. I always either want something fruity or something sweet. Since meals have become a thing of the past, I often find I am hungry in the most random places and having one of those on hand while at work or the doctor's office is always nice.

7. A notepad.
It's getting to the point if I don't write something down I am going to forget. Like I probably should have written down all the things I wanted to remember to put in this post, but I didn't so I am a few items short and I am sure I will come back and edit it later. 

Until next time, 


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Childbirth Class, Hospital Tour, and Preregistration

Mostly this is just an update on where we are. Jerry and I attended our childbirth class two weeks ago and it was very informative. We practiced some breathing exercises, watched a few birthing videos, and had a lot of questions answered about what to do, when and where to do it. This class really helped to set our minds at ease about what to expect from our hospital and staff specifically. We knew a lot about what happens in labor going in, so this allowed us to kind of organize our thoughts on how we wanted the whole process to go. 
In fact, I even updated our birth plan afterwards in a few areas I was unsure of. For example, after our birth class I discovered our hospital does not provide a "walking" epidural. A walking epidural is a much lower dose of epidural and allows you to still get up and move around while having contractions, compared to the full dose in which you need a urinary catheter and are confined to bed for several hours. Since our hospital does not provide the lower dose of the epidural, I have decided to go without an epidural and only take narcotics. I still want to be able to get up and walk around. I really want to shower and be able to use the bathroom on my own.  

After our birthing class they offered a private tour of the maternity ward of the hospital. We had gotten "lucky" and had gotten a very personal tour of the maternity ward a few days earlier as I had been admitted for contractions. It was so nice and comfortable, that honestly I really look forward to our stay there when Olivia is born. The rooms are very spacious, with a dining table, pullout couch, and the hospital bed. Each room has a private bathroom with a Jacuzzi tub. They have a large counter and sink space for drinks and snacks to be stored and also a couple fridges down the hall if you need to keep anything cold. The nurses were amazing and always made sure I had everything I needed. I am very happy with our choice of hospital.

As for preregistration, I had thought we could fill it out sooner if we wanted to, but we cannot. The hospital contacts us when I hit about 36 weeks and will have us come in to fill out all the paperwork for entering the hospital. That way when we do come to labor and delivery in a panic with contractions we can just go up to the third floor, with no hassle.

Tomorrow I am going to try to post a little bit about what you need, as pregnant woman, to carry with you these last few weeks before baby arrives.

Until then,


Monday, April 20, 2015

The Guest Packet

One thing I feel that gets kind of overlooked in process of delivering a baby are the people who come to see baby. Not much information gets given to them as baby comes into the world. I wanted this to be different with our families. I created an info packet for each member of the family that would be attending the birth. Each packet contains directions to the hospital from each respective family member's house, a small version of the birth plan, info on local restaurants, and an extra paper to give a little more depth into the birth. I am giving an info packet to each family member (my mom and dad, Jerry's mom, stepdad, dad, and sister) and then I will post a copy of the hospital location info on Facebook for any other family members or friends that would like to visit. Below you will find a copy of the birth plan and labor facts sheet

And that's all for today! If I have time tomorrow I'll let you guys know all about our birthing class, preregistration, and all the paperwork details of getting to the hospital.

Until tomorrow,


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Baby To-Do List: Weeks 29-30

Alright now that I finally have some spare time on my hands I can get these to-do lists done and tomorrow I am hoping to start on the hospital packets for guests. We'll see how it goes. For weeks 29 and 30 things are pretty busy, depending on when you plan on getting things done.

1. Enjoy your baby shower!
Well my mom isn't having my baby shower until I'm about 33 weeks and my mother-in-law isn't having my other baby shower until I'm 34 weeks. So I have a little bit to wait for this.

2. Start shopping for birth announcements and decide whether you'll choose paper or electronic ones.
Jerry and I will not be doing birth announcements as everyone we would announce it to will probably find out through Facebook.

3. If you live in an older home ask your partner to test for lead-based paint in the nursery.
Our house is not that old and the nursery was very recently redone so there should be no lead paint in the house.

4. Eat high-fiber diet to help prevent constipation and hemorrhoids.
This may seem weird, but I have had zero problems with constipation during pregnancy. I had horrible problems before pregnancy and I dreaded all the constipation that I heard would happen during pregnancy, but I have never had more regular bowel movements in my life.

1. Buy a car seat, stroller, and any other important baby gear you didn't receive at your shower.
I will be doing this at about 35 weeks since that will be a week after my last shower. Although as far as registries and pre-shower gifts go, I think we are pretty set on everything we will need.

2. Count fetal kicks.
They say to start counting fetal kicks right about now, because baby is starting to run out of room and you may feel him or her move less. Well little Olivia has not run out of room yet and she makes that very clear about every half hour.

3. Pack your hospital bag and one for your partner.
I will be doing this next week and posting a blog post about what I packed and why.

4. Know the signs of premature labor.
Between our childbirth class yesterday and going into the hospital for contractions earlier this week, the signs and symptoms of premature labor have been drilled into our heads. But here they are if you need them:
-menstrual like cramping
-contractions lasting more than a minute and coming every five minutes for more than a hour
-bright red vaginal bleeding
-unusual discharge

5. Try exercises designed to help your body prepare for D-day!
Walking! tons of walking will always help your body prepare for D-day, although squats and kegel exercises are highly recommended as well. 

Until tomorrow,


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Bumpdate: Week 30

It has been a few weeks since I've done a bumpdate and so much has happened. We've been to the hospital twice and the doctor's office we visit every other week. Hospital visit-wise the first time was at about 28 weeks and I was having some really bad abdominal pain on and off. Considering I've never had contractions before, we freaked out a little, but it turned out to be just a pulled muscle in my belly from all the coughing I had been doing with my upper respiratory infection. The second time we went in was Wednesday. I was at work, when suddenly I noticed liquid trickling down my leg, I ran to the bathroom and checked my pants and they had soaked through with a few spots of liquid. Wondering if my water was breaking I left work in a panic, picked Jerry up and we were rushed into labor and delivery at the hospital. We discovered that I was having small contractions, but thankfully I was not leaking amniotic fluid. Jerry and I spent a long 5 hours in labor and delivery. They gave me a shot to stop the contractions and sent us home soon after. I took the next day off work and have been taking it easy for a few days. Today we had our childbirth class, which served as just another reminder of how close we our to holding our sweet Olivia. But anyways, I ramble, on to the bumpdate!

How far along? 30 weeks and 5 days!
Total weight gain: As of today I weigh 155 lb. That makes a total of 30 lbs. gained. This makes me a little nervous as that means only 5 more pounds and I really need to cut back on the caramel filled chocolate bunnies!
Stretch marks: Yes, but they are on my butt so out of sight, out of mind! None on my stomach or hips for which I am so thankful.
Sleep: Thankfully I have had no problems with this these past few weeks. I have some back pain, and I usually wake up at about 6 having to pee. I never lack for sleep though or really feel too uncomfortable at night.
Miss anything? This week I am really missing my old body. I keep seeing pictures of people at track meets and I keep thinking about how in shape I was. I know it seems selfish and stupid, but I really miss being thin and cannot wait to get back to my normal size.

Movement: She moves like crazy! Both the doctor and the nurses and the hospital were commenting on how much she moves! Whenever the Doppler gets put on my belly she always kicks directly on the microphone and when I had the heart monitor on she refused to stay in position for them to get a long enough read on her heartbeat.
Cravings: Philly Steak & Cheese Hotpockets and Caramel filled chocolate bunnies! 
What makes you sick? Right now, nothing! I haven't had any reflux or nausea for the past few weeks which has been great!
Labor signs: Minor contractions, but the doctor says I am not dilated or effaced which is good!
General Pregnancy Symptoms: Restless Leg Syndrome is really a pain in the butt, especially with a job where most of it is sitting. I have also starting lactating, but only after I take a shower and the liquid is clear. And well as we can tell from my hospital visit my discharge has picked up enough to fake being amniotic fluid.

(My belly button cannot make up it's mind whether it's an inny or an outie!)

Looking forward to: So much! We have two baby showers coming up, in a few weeks doctor's appointments will be weekly, and it's time to start setting up the nursery! All that added with the usual I am so ready for her to be here!
What's baby up to: Olivia is about 4 pounds and 15 1/2 inches long! Her eyesight is still developing and she's been practicing her blinking for when she's on the outside. Other than that Olivia is just working on getting brain cells and gaining weight!
Exercise: Jerry and I have been getting outside now that it's warm out, so exercise has been so much easier. We have been taking about 30-45 minutes walks at least every other day, if not every day. It's been so nice to be outside in the sun!

As far as doctor visits go, Olivia is right on track with where the doctor thinks she needs to be. We see her every other week now and everything looks good. I got a whooping cough vaccine at our last visit, and our next is on Tuesday. As for baby to-do lists, I will catch up on those tomorrow!

Until tomorrow,


Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Birth Plan

When I first started looking at birth plans and what they include I was overwhelmed with all the options, procedures, and just things that they were asking me to plan for. I had to look up what some of the vocab meant, I never knew there were more pain killer options than just an epidural, everything was new to me. So after many months of just freaking out over it, I finally sat down this past week and figured out what everything was.

The first step I took was to find a basic outline of a birth plan. The two that fitted me the best were the sample birth plan from and the birth plan provided with the BabyBump pregnancy app. After that I took both birth plans, combined them, and then added my own wants and needs. So here is my birth plan.

Mommy’s Name: Charity Bowman                                                             Daddy’s Name: Jerry Berg
Doctor’s Name: Dr. Darla Olson                                                                 Due Date: June 21, 2013
Hospital Name: Zeeland Community

Birth is planned as VAGINAL delivery.

I would like the father (Jerry Berg) to be present at all times during labor and delivery. In the event that I am unable to make sound decisions, he has my complete consent to act as my representation.
Other visitors, to be allowed entrance only while in labor and only for short periods of time are: my parents, Todd and Pam Bowman; Jerry’s parents, Amy and Jerry Sparks, Matt Berg; and Jerry’s sister, Lisa Berg.

Anyone may visit after the baby is born according to hospital visiting hours.

I would like photos to be limited of me during labor and to be only taken by my partner. No videos please. After labor and delivery photos may be taken at baby and my discretion.

During labor I would like….
                As few interruptions as possible
                As few vaginal exams as possible
                To eat and drink as approved by my doctor
I’d like to spend the first stage of labor either….
                Standing up
                Lying down
                Walking around
                In the shower

I’m not interested in….
                A urinary catheter
I am interested in…
                A suppository (at the last possible time one can be given)
                Shaving of my pubic area
I’d like fetal monitoring to be…

If I need to be induced I would like it to go in the following order….
                Performed with prostaglandin gel
                Then Pitocin
                Then having my membranes ruptured

For pain relief I would like to use….
                A walking epidural
                Narcotics (only if the epidural is unavailable)

During delivery I would like to….
                Be in whatever position I find most comfortable at the time
As the baby is delivered I would like to
                Push as directed
                Avoid forceps usage
                Use whatever methods my doctor deems necessary
I would like an episiotomy….
                Performed only as a last resort and only if my doctor deems it necessary
Immediately after delivery…
                Baby to be placed on my chest
If a C-section is necessary I would like….
                To make sure all other options have been exhausted
                My partner to remain with me the entire time
                To stay conscious
                My partner to hold the baby as soon as possible
                To be able to breastfeed as soon as possible
 I would like to hold my baby…
                Immediately after delivery
I would like to breastfeed….
                As soon as possible after delivery
I would like all family members….
                To join baby, partner, and myself in the room about an hour or two after delivery

I would like baby’s medical exam and procedures…..
                Given in my or my partner’s presence
                To include all necessary tests and vaccines
Please don’t give baby….
I’d like baby’s first bath to be given…..
                In my presence
                By my partner
I’d like to feed baby only….
                Only with breastmilk
                On demand
                With the help of a lactation specialist if needed
I’d like baby to stay in my room…..
                All the time
I’d like my partner…..
                To sleep in my room and have unlimited visiting rights
As needed post-delivery….
                Give me whatever my doctor recommends

Sorry it took me so long to post. I am hoping to upload some more posts and get caught up later this week.

Until then,


Friday, April 3, 2015

A New Spin on Life: Working, Studying & Prepping for Baby

As a full-time student life is pretty hectic. Most students have at least one job, some have two making their lives a little more busy. What the majority of students do not have is a baby on the way. As a sophomore in college having a baby was the last thing I expected to add to my life at this time. But sometimes life decides you are ready for challenges you hadn't thought you were ready for. With only a little less than 3 months left until our precious Olivia enters the world, I thought I would share with you how I am adapting to the new changes in my life.

When I started school last semester I started with the expectation of taking some online classes to kind of take a break from the extra work of going into class multiple days a week. This also allowed me to focus on getting a job. Halfway through the semester was when we got the news Olivia was on her way. With a June due date, it was perfect. I had plenty of time to finish the school year before she would be born. I also had almost two months after she was born to recover. It was perfect! I signed up for all online classes for my winter semester, so I could take it easy as I went through my second and third trimesters. I also continued my search for a job. The winter semester started and I finally got a job at the Grand Rapids Museum. Luckily for me, it is mostly a desk job that allows me some relaxation. I work part-time, which helps accommodate my classes, and besides a few things here and there baby isn't stressing out my life too much yet. So you may be thinking, what's the point of this then?

As my pregnancy has progressed I have realized how much my mindset on life needs to or is going to change. Before as just a college student, I could eat whatever I wanted, when I wanted, and where I wanted. Now, as a soon-to-be mom, I feel the need to eat healthier, at regular meal times, and to actually prepare a meal, instead of stopping at McDonald's on the way home from class. I can't sit on the couch and binge watch Netflix anymore, it has hit me that I should probably clean a little and tidy up the house. Letting laundry and dishes pile up is no longer an option. I can't really explain it, but somewhere in my head a switch flipped, and I knew that no matter how hard it was I needed to get my life in order. Little Olivia is going to need someone who can take care of her as well as them self. 

So how did I do it? How did I go from the college student who barely studied, ate Ramen and mac & cheese for dinner, watched all seven seasons of Doctor Who in three weeks, only did laundry every other week, was content working at fast food, and never ever did the dishes; to someone who makes steak for dinner, scrubs the bathroom toilet every week, has a study time for each class, gets out of bed at a normal time everyday, and loves her job as a receptionist? I made myself get in the habit of having small routines that I had to fulfill throughout the day.

When I was a kid I used to make schedules for my day. I would map out every hour and every minute of my day, but then I would get so upset when something went wrong and I slept in or something like that. When I first decided to start putting my life in order I thought schedules were the perfect idea. I was wrong. Schedules don't allow for the flexibility you need in your day. They are strict and straightforward. If you mess up one thing on your schedule for the day, it's over, throw the schedule out the window. A routine, on the other hand, is flexible. You have a list of things you need to accomplish, just no deadline to accomplish them. Now schedules are not terrible, in fact, I still have one, but not in the way you might think.

This is my schedule. I make a calendar for the month and I put ever single event on it that will take place outside the home. It tells when Jerry and I work (when and where for Jerry), and it also has all over major events we will be attending throughout the month. I put a copy of this schedule on the chore board in our kitchen, so we have an easy reference at home as well as emailing it to both Jerry and myself should we need to look at it when we are not home. I usually make one for each month about a month before. This allows us to request the days off of work that we need, and gives us time to plan ahead for friends and family events.

As for routines I have about two basic routines that I follow, a morning routine and a nighttime routine.  Now the routines do vary based on whether or not I work that day. My morning routine, when not working is as follows:

Waking up: I try to wake up at about 9 or 10 on days I don't work, and I usually lay in bed for about 15-20 minutes, easing myself into consciousness by checking my phone. 
Breakfast: After I roll out of bed, I slowly make my way to the kitchen where I turn the Keurig on, feed the cats, and get a bowl of cereal. While my coffee is being made I walk around the kitchen and living room and open the blinds. This helps me feel more awake and ready to start the day. I then sit at my computer for about 30 minutes and have my quiet time. This is when I sit and drink my coffee, eat my breakfast, and write down everything I need to accomplish today.
Shower: I then jump in the shower to freshen up, get dressed, and apply a light amount of makeup to just feel ready and prepared should I have to go somewhere. 
Start my day: From there my day usually goes into doing laundry, or working on my volunteer work. 

If I am working that day, I get up at about 7:15 and take a shower the night before. I try to be out of the house by 8 and at work by 8:30. Also instead of my quiet time being at a computer, it's usually with my journal, writing down what I need to do at work. My nighttime routine is a little different.

Prep Work: I start thinking about bed at about 11:30 or 12 at night. I will walk around the living room and put things away, wipe down the counters in the kitchen, make sure no food is sitting out, and if I'm working the next day I will jump in the shower at 11:30 and then pack my bag for the next day.
Dishes & Laundry: Right before I head into the bedroom, I make sure all the dishes are in the dishwasher and I turn it on if it's full, and if there's wet clothes in the washer I throw them in the dryer and start it as well.
Going to sleep: I always try to fall asleep or at least put my phone down and focus on sleep by 1:00. But usually when I crawl into bed it's about 12:30 so I will catch up with Facebook and Instagram on my phone, and write down in my journal anything I can think of that I need to do tomorrow.

As for what I do during the day, it really depends on several factors. If Jerry is home, I'm usually not on my computer that much. I do mostly cleaning around the house, and usually we end up going out and doing something together or watching tv shows or movies. If Jerry is at work and I'm home alone, I work on blog posts, or volunteer work, or schoolwork. And I also usually do a little cleaning, but not as much as on days Jerry is home. 

Now splitting into two specific topics, schoolwork and cleaning. For my schoolwork I have a mini routine/schedule. Between Monday and Thursday I read through all of the chapters required for that week and take notes. I do a little of this at work and a little at home. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights from 9-midnight is when I sit down and do all my discussions, quizzes, and tests. Having a specific time where I can just focus on homework, really allows me to be less stressed about it throughout the week. This is one reason why I love online classes. Everything is done weekly, and the only due date is Sunday by midnight. 

As for chores, I have a daily, every other, weekly, and monthly chore list. They are as follows

feed pets
wipe down counters
sweep kitchen
put dishes in dishwasher & away
1 load of laundry
pick up the house

Every Other
scoop litter
take out the trash

change out towels
mop kitchen, laundry room, & bathrooms
wash sheets
change litter
clean mirrors
clean stove
clean microwave
clean bathrooms

dust ceiling
wipe down windows
clean fridge & freezer
wipe down washer & dryer
clean pantry
give cats bath
wash bed quilts

To help me remember everything I have to do, I have a printed off sheet of this in a glass frame that hangs from my chore board in the kitchen. As I finish each task, I take a dry erase marker and check it off. At the end of each day I wipe the daily portion clean and start over fresh the next day, and so on for the rest. Now do I do every single chore every day, not all the time, no. On days I work, I often just wipe the counters down, do a load of laundry, feed the kitties, and run the dishwasher. 

How do I keep all this information together you ask? I have three main sources, my journal, a planner, and Evernote. I use all three religiously. I take my journal everywhere and just jot anything I need to remember down in it. My planner is in a changing phase right now as I am trying to find refills for the pages. But my planner is where I keep an extra calendar, another daily to do list, meal plans, monthly budgets, and grocery lists. And Evernote I use at work to record anything I do there on the computer, so it automatically syncs to my at home computer. 

This is how I keep my life together and it works for me. I have never felt more organized or on top of things than I do right now. As for adding a baby into the mix of schedules and routines, I'm sure it will jumble things around a little bit, but I am getting good and setting things in their right place and keeping them organized so I have no worries. I end every day feeling accomplished and I start may days looking forward to what I can do. Putting my life in order has really added a sense of worth to my life that I never really had before, and pregnant or not I really recommend trying to put some sort of order into a busy life. It really makes a difference.

Until tomorrow,


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Baby To-Do List: Week 28

It's the third trimester! I finally made it to the home stretch, despite a little scare today. I was finishing my last couple of hours at work, when I started getting really sharp pains in my abdomen. I emailed my doctor to ask if I should be concerned, and she called me back and told me to come in right after work. Ten minutes later the pain was gone, then about twenty minutes later it was back, and it started going off and on, so I told my boss I was leaving work earlier to head to the hospital with possible contractions. I raced home to grab Jerry, and we get to the doctor's office, and turns out I have a pulled muscle in my abdomen from all the coughing I have been doing from being sick this past week. After that ordeal, Jerry and I came home and relaxed on our porch enjoying the beautiful day. Anyways, enough of me babbling on, here's this week's to do list!

1. Start seeing your doctor every two weeks!
I am so excited for this, have all four of my appointments scheduled for the next two months. Jerry feels like having an appointment every other week will make time go slower, I, on the other hand, think it will go by faster.

2. Update your retirement beneficiaries.
Neither Jerry nor I have a retirement plan yet, so this is unnecessary for us.

3. Babyproof your house.
Since we registered for a babyproofing kit, we are going to wait until after the shower to babyproof. Plus it is a little early to start hassling over opening drawers.

4. Help your partner to feel the kicks.
Jerry has been feeling kicks for about a month now, we can even see kicks and squirms. Olivia goes nuts over daddy's voice, and even plays with him a little bit.

5. If your fingers are swollen, take your rings off and store them in a safe place until after delivery.
My fingers have not swollen that much, but my rings are tighter, as my fingers have gone up about half a ring size.

6. Depending on your and your partner's blood types, you may receive an injection of RhoGAM.
Jerry and I don't need this! YAY!

That's all for this week's to-do list! For the rest of the week I will still be posting a bumpdate, how to write your birth plan, and a little blurb about how my life is going right now.

Until tomorrow,


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Bumpdate: Week 27

For any who don't know, this little kitty, is my other little girl. Nugget wakes me up in the mornings with kisses and snuggles, chases me around the house with cute, high-pitch mews, pushes her little face into mine when I need some love, and is all around the most adorable kitten I've ever had. Poor thing, was given to us at 4 weeks old she was so tiny. She's seven months old now; her and Olivia should be the exact same size this week. I'm kind of worried about how she'll react when Olivia is born and she gets less attention from me, but for now she gets smothered in kisses and cuddles.

How far along? 27 weeks and 5 days!
Total weight gain: According to our scale today I weigh 150 lb., according to the doctor's office scale on Tuesday I weighed 148 lb. Hopefully I really haven't gained 5 lb. in the past week, but I guess we'll see what the numbers say next week.
Stretch marks: No stretch marks, but my belly button has been half in and half out all week.
Sleep: Better but not the best, I keep waking up on my back which is a no-no when pregnant especially seven months pregnant. So I am trying to sleep wedged between pillows.
Miss anything? Fitting in the shower, through doors, not feeling bulky.

Movement: This girl never sleeps, she's always moving. At some point I will post of video of my belly and her moving.
Cravings: None.
What makes you sick? Anything too greasy makes me get reflux and feel the need to vomit.
Labor signs: I thought I might of lost my mucus plug this week, but I did not. Other than that no signs of labor.
General Pregnancy Symptoms: I feel fat, and hungry all the time. Snacking is turning into a problem. Leg cramps are starting to make an appearance as is restless leg syndrome.

Looking forward to: The third trimester! It starts on Sunday, and I am super excited with only 12 weeks to go!
What's baby up to: Well Olivia is now getting into a regular sleep cycle. It sometimes fits mine, but she likes to wake mommy up with some squirming at about 5 or 6 in the morning. Olivia opens and closes her eyes and loves sucking on her thumb. She gets the hiccups almost daily, and often startles mommy with her jumps and wiggles. Her lungs are capable of functioning (with lots of medical help) if she were to be born right now.
Exercise: Clearly not enough because I am starting to pack on the pounds. I will definitely being doubling my efforts to get out and walk this trimester, especially since the sun is coming out and everything is warming up. 

This is Merlin, who insists on being mommy's little guardian if daddy isn't around. 

Other pregnancy news this week: I passed my gestational diabetes test, but also found out I'm a little low on iron. I am on a low dose iron supplement now, in addition to my prenatal. Doctor's appointments are every two weeks now, which has me realizing how soon little Olivia will be here. We also schedule maternity photos for the 3rd week of April. That's all for now.

Until next week,


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Baby To-Do List: Week 27

I am looking forward to a nice break this week. I get about five days off in a row so, a little relaxation time is in order. We had our doctor's appointment on Tuesday and everything came back normal. I passed my gestational diabetes test! We now have doctor's appointments every two weeks, and it's starting to feel like Olivia will be here really soon. 

This week's to-do list is really short, only two items, so I will discuss a little more of what's to come with my new series I am going to start next week.

 1. Choose a color for the nursery.
Since Jerry and I are renting unfortunately the only color we can have for the nursery is white. Our color scheme for everything else is a green and brown with owls. We may put up some wall decals, we just haven't decided yet.

2. Research cord blood banking.
If you ask your hospital they should have a pamphlet to give you about the basics of cord blood banking. If it sounds like something for you, then research it more. It really just isn't something I want to add onto my worry list in the delivery room.

That's it for this week. But since I am entering the third trimester on Sunday I have decided to start a new series on getting ready for baby. Each week I will post something new to help prepare in the last trimester for baby. Here's a rough schedule for the next few weeks:

Week 28: Birth Plan: This will include a sample birth plan, basic delivery terms, and what you should prepare for.
Week 29: Hospital Packet for Guests!: For any family that decides to come visit at the hospital I am putting together a packet of basic information, about the birth plan, the hospital, and stuff to do while waiting.
Week 30: Childbirth class, tour, and preregistration: This is going to be a basic rundown, of how to get ready for D-Day through your hospital.
Week 31: Maternity Photos: This is the week our maternity photos will be taken!
Week 32: Packing the hospital bag: What to pack, when to pack, and where to keep it.
Week 33: Baby Shower: My main baby shower will be this week!
Week 34: Setting up the nursery: This will be about putting everything together and buying any leftover items still needed. 
Week 35: Babymoon!: Jerry and I will hopefully be going on a babymoon this week!
Week 36: Getting the car ready for baby: What should be packed in the car, how to set up the car seat, etc.
Week 37: What happens when your water breaks: Having a plan ready for contractions, the mucus plug, water breaking, anything that may occur.
Week 38: Freezer meals: A list of freezer meals and how to make them for when cooking gets tough after baby.
Week 39: Pamper yourself/Padsicles: Taking a day to pamper yourself and how to make padsicles, the ultimate post-partum healer.
Week 40: Natural ways to induce labor: A list of ways to naturally and safely induce your labor.

That's all for today, hoping to post a Bumpdate tomorrow,

Until then,
