Saturday, April 18, 2015

Bumpdate: Week 30

It has been a few weeks since I've done a bumpdate and so much has happened. We've been to the hospital twice and the doctor's office we visit every other week. Hospital visit-wise the first time was at about 28 weeks and I was having some really bad abdominal pain on and off. Considering I've never had contractions before, we freaked out a little, but it turned out to be just a pulled muscle in my belly from all the coughing I had been doing with my upper respiratory infection. The second time we went in was Wednesday. I was at work, when suddenly I noticed liquid trickling down my leg, I ran to the bathroom and checked my pants and they had soaked through with a few spots of liquid. Wondering if my water was breaking I left work in a panic, picked Jerry up and we were rushed into labor and delivery at the hospital. We discovered that I was having small contractions, but thankfully I was not leaking amniotic fluid. Jerry and I spent a long 5 hours in labor and delivery. They gave me a shot to stop the contractions and sent us home soon after. I took the next day off work and have been taking it easy for a few days. Today we had our childbirth class, which served as just another reminder of how close we our to holding our sweet Olivia. But anyways, I ramble, on to the bumpdate!

How far along? 30 weeks and 5 days!
Total weight gain: As of today I weigh 155 lb. That makes a total of 30 lbs. gained. This makes me a little nervous as that means only 5 more pounds and I really need to cut back on the caramel filled chocolate bunnies!
Stretch marks: Yes, but they are on my butt so out of sight, out of mind! None on my stomach or hips for which I am so thankful.
Sleep: Thankfully I have had no problems with this these past few weeks. I have some back pain, and I usually wake up at about 6 having to pee. I never lack for sleep though or really feel too uncomfortable at night.
Miss anything? This week I am really missing my old body. I keep seeing pictures of people at track meets and I keep thinking about how in shape I was. I know it seems selfish and stupid, but I really miss being thin and cannot wait to get back to my normal size.

Movement: She moves like crazy! Both the doctor and the nurses and the hospital were commenting on how much she moves! Whenever the Doppler gets put on my belly she always kicks directly on the microphone and when I had the heart monitor on she refused to stay in position for them to get a long enough read on her heartbeat.
Cravings: Philly Steak & Cheese Hotpockets and Caramel filled chocolate bunnies! 
What makes you sick? Right now, nothing! I haven't had any reflux or nausea for the past few weeks which has been great!
Labor signs: Minor contractions, but the doctor says I am not dilated or effaced which is good!
General Pregnancy Symptoms: Restless Leg Syndrome is really a pain in the butt, especially with a job where most of it is sitting. I have also starting lactating, but only after I take a shower and the liquid is clear. And well as we can tell from my hospital visit my discharge has picked up enough to fake being amniotic fluid.

(My belly button cannot make up it's mind whether it's an inny or an outie!)

Looking forward to: So much! We have two baby showers coming up, in a few weeks doctor's appointments will be weekly, and it's time to start setting up the nursery! All that added with the usual I am so ready for her to be here!
What's baby up to: Olivia is about 4 pounds and 15 1/2 inches long! Her eyesight is still developing and she's been practicing her blinking for when she's on the outside. Other than that Olivia is just working on getting brain cells and gaining weight!
Exercise: Jerry and I have been getting outside now that it's warm out, so exercise has been so much easier. We have been taking about 30-45 minutes walks at least every other day, if not every day. It's been so nice to be outside in the sun!

As far as doctor visits go, Olivia is right on track with where the doctor thinks she needs to be. We see her every other week now and everything looks good. I got a whooping cough vaccine at our last visit, and our next is on Tuesday. As for baby to-do lists, I will catch up on those tomorrow!

Until tomorrow,


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