Sunday, April 19, 2015

Baby To-Do List: Weeks 29-30

Alright now that I finally have some spare time on my hands I can get these to-do lists done and tomorrow I am hoping to start on the hospital packets for guests. We'll see how it goes. For weeks 29 and 30 things are pretty busy, depending on when you plan on getting things done.

1. Enjoy your baby shower!
Well my mom isn't having my baby shower until I'm about 33 weeks and my mother-in-law isn't having my other baby shower until I'm 34 weeks. So I have a little bit to wait for this.

2. Start shopping for birth announcements and decide whether you'll choose paper or electronic ones.
Jerry and I will not be doing birth announcements as everyone we would announce it to will probably find out through Facebook.

3. If you live in an older home ask your partner to test for lead-based paint in the nursery.
Our house is not that old and the nursery was very recently redone so there should be no lead paint in the house.

4. Eat high-fiber diet to help prevent constipation and hemorrhoids.
This may seem weird, but I have had zero problems with constipation during pregnancy. I had horrible problems before pregnancy and I dreaded all the constipation that I heard would happen during pregnancy, but I have never had more regular bowel movements in my life.

1. Buy a car seat, stroller, and any other important baby gear you didn't receive at your shower.
I will be doing this at about 35 weeks since that will be a week after my last shower. Although as far as registries and pre-shower gifts go, I think we are pretty set on everything we will need.

2. Count fetal kicks.
They say to start counting fetal kicks right about now, because baby is starting to run out of room and you may feel him or her move less. Well little Olivia has not run out of room yet and she makes that very clear about every half hour.

3. Pack your hospital bag and one for your partner.
I will be doing this next week and posting a blog post about what I packed and why.

4. Know the signs of premature labor.
Between our childbirth class yesterday and going into the hospital for contractions earlier this week, the signs and symptoms of premature labor have been drilled into our heads. But here they are if you need them:
-menstrual like cramping
-contractions lasting more than a minute and coming every five minutes for more than a hour
-bright red vaginal bleeding
-unusual discharge

5. Try exercises designed to help your body prepare for D-day!
Walking! tons of walking will always help your body prepare for D-day, although squats and kegel exercises are highly recommended as well. 

Until tomorrow,


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