Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Baby To-Do List: Week 28

It's the third trimester! I finally made it to the home stretch, despite a little scare today. I was finishing my last couple of hours at work, when I started getting really sharp pains in my abdomen. I emailed my doctor to ask if I should be concerned, and she called me back and told me to come in right after work. Ten minutes later the pain was gone, then about twenty minutes later it was back, and it started going off and on, so I told my boss I was leaving work earlier to head to the hospital with possible contractions. I raced home to grab Jerry, and we get to the doctor's office, and turns out I have a pulled muscle in my abdomen from all the coughing I have been doing from being sick this past week. After that ordeal, Jerry and I came home and relaxed on our porch enjoying the beautiful day. Anyways, enough of me babbling on, here's this week's to do list!

1. Start seeing your doctor every two weeks!
I am so excited for this, have all four of my appointments scheduled for the next two months. Jerry feels like having an appointment every other week will make time go slower, I, on the other hand, think it will go by faster.

2. Update your retirement beneficiaries.
Neither Jerry nor I have a retirement plan yet, so this is unnecessary for us.

3. Babyproof your house.
Since we registered for a babyproofing kit, we are going to wait until after the shower to babyproof. Plus it is a little early to start hassling over opening drawers.

4. Help your partner to feel the kicks.
Jerry has been feeling kicks for about a month now, we can even see kicks and squirms. Olivia goes nuts over daddy's voice, and even plays with him a little bit.

5. If your fingers are swollen, take your rings off and store them in a safe place until after delivery.
My fingers have not swollen that much, but my rings are tighter, as my fingers have gone up about half a ring size.

6. Depending on your and your partner's blood types, you may receive an injection of RhoGAM.
Jerry and I don't need this! YAY!

That's all for this week's to-do list! For the rest of the week I will still be posting a bumpdate, how to write your birth plan, and a little blurb about how my life is going right now.

Until tomorrow,


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