Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Birth Plan

When I first started looking at birth plans and what they include I was overwhelmed with all the options, procedures, and just things that they were asking me to plan for. I had to look up what some of the vocab meant, I never knew there were more pain killer options than just an epidural, everything was new to me. So after many months of just freaking out over it, I finally sat down this past week and figured out what everything was.

The first step I took was to find a basic outline of a birth plan. The two that fitted me the best were the sample birth plan from and the birth plan provided with the BabyBump pregnancy app. After that I took both birth plans, combined them, and then added my own wants and needs. So here is my birth plan.

Mommy’s Name: Charity Bowman                                                             Daddy’s Name: Jerry Berg
Doctor’s Name: Dr. Darla Olson                                                                 Due Date: June 21, 2013
Hospital Name: Zeeland Community

Birth is planned as VAGINAL delivery.

I would like the father (Jerry Berg) to be present at all times during labor and delivery. In the event that I am unable to make sound decisions, he has my complete consent to act as my representation.
Other visitors, to be allowed entrance only while in labor and only for short periods of time are: my parents, Todd and Pam Bowman; Jerry’s parents, Amy and Jerry Sparks, Matt Berg; and Jerry’s sister, Lisa Berg.

Anyone may visit after the baby is born according to hospital visiting hours.

I would like photos to be limited of me during labor and to be only taken by my partner. No videos please. After labor and delivery photos may be taken at baby and my discretion.

During labor I would like….
                As few interruptions as possible
                As few vaginal exams as possible
                To eat and drink as approved by my doctor
I’d like to spend the first stage of labor either….
                Standing up
                Lying down
                Walking around
                In the shower

I’m not interested in….
                A urinary catheter
I am interested in…
                A suppository (at the last possible time one can be given)
                Shaving of my pubic area
I’d like fetal monitoring to be…

If I need to be induced I would like it to go in the following order….
                Performed with prostaglandin gel
                Then Pitocin
                Then having my membranes ruptured

For pain relief I would like to use….
                A walking epidural
                Narcotics (only if the epidural is unavailable)

During delivery I would like to….
                Be in whatever position I find most comfortable at the time
As the baby is delivered I would like to
                Push as directed
                Avoid forceps usage
                Use whatever methods my doctor deems necessary
I would like an episiotomy….
                Performed only as a last resort and only if my doctor deems it necessary
Immediately after delivery…
                Baby to be placed on my chest
If a C-section is necessary I would like….
                To make sure all other options have been exhausted
                My partner to remain with me the entire time
                To stay conscious
                My partner to hold the baby as soon as possible
                To be able to breastfeed as soon as possible
 I would like to hold my baby…
                Immediately after delivery
I would like to breastfeed….
                As soon as possible after delivery
I would like all family members….
                To join baby, partner, and myself in the room about an hour or two after delivery

I would like baby’s medical exam and procedures…..
                Given in my or my partner’s presence
                To include all necessary tests and vaccines
Please don’t give baby….
I’d like baby’s first bath to be given…..
                In my presence
                By my partner
I’d like to feed baby only….
                Only with breastmilk
                On demand
                With the help of a lactation specialist if needed
I’d like baby to stay in my room…..
                All the time
I’d like my partner…..
                To sleep in my room and have unlimited visiting rights
As needed post-delivery….
                Give me whatever my doctor recommends

Sorry it took me so long to post. I am hoping to upload some more posts and get caught up later this week.

Until then,


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