Monday, December 15, 2014

BabyTo-Do List: Week 13

Yesterday I finally hit the second trimester! My symptoms are starting to change a little, and I definitely have more energy, but more about that tomorrow! This week's to-do list is pretty simple:

-Begin thinking about baby names
Jerry and I have already decided on our names. William Edwin for a boy and Olivia Ellison for a girl.

-Start sleeping on your side
This has been a toughy. I normally sleep on my stomach or side, but lately I have been getting some pretty bad back pain and the only way to relieve it is to sleep on my back. I'm trying to push myself to sleep on my side, it just my take some getting used to again.

-Research pediatricians
Here are a few tips for finding the best pediatrician:
1. Ask around
2. Find one that accepts your insurance
3. Interview pediatricians
4. Follow your instincts
5. It's ok to switch later on

-Eat smaller meals to help with heartburn
I don't even eat meals, barely. I mostly snack throughout the day.

-Consider borrowing previously worn maternity clothes from friends or family
Very lucky for us there is a local resource center that provides maternity clothes for free if you take their weekly 15 minute classes. Definitely worth it!

So far today has been pretty great! Spent the morning running errands with Jerry. We finished painting the chairs for our dining set (more to come on that), and he went to work for a couple of hours and now I am cleaning house. All in all a great day!

Until tomorrow,


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