Monday, December 22, 2014

Baby To-Do List: Week 14

These weeks keep going by faster and faster. I'm starting my fourth month of pregnancy and it all just seems a little surreal still. This week's list was has a lot of important items to start thinking about. 

1. Break the news to your boss
I still have not done this, and for one reason; by the time I have the baby I will have not worked at my place of employment for 1 year I do not qualify for maternity leave. Since I don't qualify when the time comes I will be quitting my job and staying home for a while and then putting my focus into school. Therefore I probably won't notify my boss until it becomes obvious.

2. Start thinking about a registry
Jerry and I have already started a registry on Amazon. This helps us get an idea of what things we need, things that will be given to us, and things we want. Here are some questions to ask yourself to help get started with the registry:

-What can we absolutely not afford?
-What stores are convenient for our guests?
-How many people are invited to your shower?
-What kind of budget will your guests have?
-What do you already have?
-What does our lifestyle require?

3. Start thinking about your baby shower
It's time to start figuring out if someone is going to host a shower for you or you throw for yourself. Who should be invited? Where should the shower be? And so on. My mother-in-law and my mother have both decided to throw me baby showers, and Jerry and I are also hosting a party for friends. We already have our guest lists made and our registry almost done.
4. Take advantage of your energy boost and check things off your at-home to-do list
This so called "energy boost" hasn't quite hit me yet. I have slowly been gaining my energy back it's just taking a while. Hopefully this will give the push to start getting the house ready for the remodel instead of laying in bed snoozing!

Well tomorrow is a bumpdate and my birthday and we are leaving to see Christmas relatives. Exciting time of year!

Until tomorrow,


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