Friday, December 12, 2014

Favorites Friday: Pinterest

Pinterest has got to be on my top ten list of most practical and favorite things in the world. I would not survive without it.

Last night I sat down to kind of go through what I had pinned on Pinterest and see what I actually wanted and can do within the next month. This then prompted me to write a list of things I wanted to change in our house. That lead to me searching for ways to better organize and clean the house. So I'll start there: 

This is my brand new chore schedule to keep the house clean with only about a hour of work per day. The next thing I am going to do is a series called 30 Days to a More Organized House. Starting with day 1: The Refrigerator

This will take about 30 minutes so make sure you don't leave food out.

-First off take everything out of the fridge. If it's expired or moldy throw it away, if not keep it.

-Take the shelves and drawers out of your fridge and wash them. I wash them with soap and hot water, then disinfect with lemon juice, rinse, and put them back in. 

-When putting things back into the refrigerator; specifically, if it is leftovers, put them in a tupperware container, use some masking tape and make a label, and put an expiration date on it. 

-In organizing the refrigerator, I put anything that can be spread, poured, anything like that in the door. Any drinks or liquid items go on the top shelf. Second shelf is for all store bought items. Third shelf is for leftovers. The small drawer is for meats and cheeses. And the two drawers at the bottom, one is for vegetables and the other is for fruits.

-Now repeat with the freezer.

-Once finished on the inside of the fridge it's time to clean the outside. The only thing I have on my fridge is a whiteboard so it's pretty simple. I just wipe down with soapy water and use a disinfecting spray.

-Don't forget to clean the top of your refrigerator. Things can get messy and clogged up there. Take everything off and wipe down. Then organize and see what really has to be up there.

That's it for today. Pinterest is an amazing place, I would live there if I could. Please, take a look, if you haven't already.

Until Monday,


(All things posted were used from Pinterest)

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