Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Our DIY House Makeover

I know I had previously mentioned that we were going to be moving into an apartment. We later decided not to move and just stay in our current house and just re-do it. This past week I have started one some plans for the house and I have decided week by week to go through some rooms. This week we start with the Master Bath/Bedroom. 

This is the arrangement of our room/bathroom currently. The walls are a very gross looking yellowish white, not much furniture, I'll post a before picture of the actual room when I've cleaned a little bit. These are the changes we would like to make. 

As you can see a few furniture additions and the old furniture has been moved around. The settee will probably be an ottoman instead. The color scheme Jerry and I have chosen for the room is a nice blue and brown. 

Next Wednesday I'll post a little DIY on how to start the room changing process. 

Sorry this post is a little late today, Jerry and I spent the afternoon in the hospital. I had some severe abdominal pain, thankfully it turned out to be nothing. Still we did get to see our little cutie! 

Until tomorrow,


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