Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Bumpdate: Week 13

How far along? I am 13 weeks 3 days and finally in the second trimester!
Total weight gain: This week I lost a pound unfortunately, weighing in at 134.4 lb. So total weight gain is negative 6 lb.
Stretch marks: Still none on my stomach and a couple on my boobs.
Sleep: I slept with the body pillow for the first time last night and it wasn't that bad. I'm still finding it really hard to sleep on my side though.
Miss anything? Energy! I am slowly getting it back, but this week has been a struggle for sure!
Movement: None yet.
Cravings: Cool Ranch Doritos!
What makes you sick? Meat and kind of tomatoes. The tomatoes give me heartburn more than anything else.
Labor signs: None
Symptoms: I have definitely gained a bump this week. I am hungry all the time and if I don't eat right away I get really nauseous. I got Braxton Hick's for the first time this week. Also I have been a little moodier than normal and no energy!

Looking forward to: Movement!
What's baby up to: Our sweet little one has fingerprints this week! He or she is almost 3 inches long and weighs almost 1 ounce.
Exercise: Not much this week, I am just trying to focus on getting enough energy to do housework!

That's all for today. Tomorrow I'll be posting some updates on the house!

Until tomorrow,


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