Wednesday, March 11, 2015

House Updates: Free Furniture!

Not much has been happening with the house lately. Jerry and I have been busy with work and I haven't had much time to go out shopping for paint and such. This past week though Jerry and I got lucky. In our neighborhood they were cleaning out on of the houses and had a dumpster filled with furniture. Jerry and I scavenged a bookshelf, an end table, and another cubby/bench from its depths. The bookshelf had some scrapes and only one shelf, and the end table had some sticky stuff on it. We brought them inside, sanitized them, and set them up. For furniture the living room now only needs a coffee table. We put both the end table and the cubby in the living room and we put the bookshelf in the craft room since we need the extra storage space in there so bad. 

This is the cubby. I am hoping to add a cushion to the top to make it into a bench. I am going to put a small mat down underneath it so we can put shoes in the bottom and I will probably put books or maybe a cat nook in the middle.

This is the end table. It's a little big, but we think it will work, plus it matches the cubby. I will probably just put a lamp on here since it is so large and it needs something to take up some of that space.

Here's the bookshelf. As you can see Jerry has already taken over the shelf with his Civil War books. The only think I can think to do with this, is, since there is such a big gap between the shelf and the bottom is put a curtain rod right underneath the shelf and maybe hang some re-enacting shirts or sewing projects in-progress from it. 

They look great and everything furniture-wise is coming together. Now if only I can get to Home Depot and pick up some paint! Hopefully posting a bumpdate tomorrow and the baby to-do list later this week. 

Until tomorrow, 

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