Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Baby To-Do List: Weeks 25-26

This past weekend Jerry and I went home and had a nice relaxing weekend. It was great to have a weekend with family especially with this week full work for the both of us. Anyways here's the past two week's to do list.

1. Update your life insurance and add chosen guardianship to your will.
Jerry and I don't have life insurance, since we are a little young for it. As for updating our will we haven't really discussed it but we will be talking soon.

2. Write a birth plan.
I have started our birth plan and know that basics of what I want to happen. Soon you will need to go over it with your partner and your doctor.

3. Pre-register at your hospital or birthing center if possible.
Our hospital doesn't take registrations until the third trimester so we will go in then.

1. Interview potential pediatricians. Find out which local doctors are covered by your insurance.
Jerry and I are just starting to look for pediatricians. Besides looking for doctors covered by your insurance you are going to want to look at doctors who will be granted permission to enter the hospital at which you are giving birth.

2. Do any last minute travel. It's best to avoid travel once the third trimester hits.
This is something to discuss with your doctor. Most people still continue with travel well into the third trimester. I do not plan on traveling any more than 50 miles for my last 4 weeks.

3. Take the glucose screening test.
I have my appointment for this next week. Fingers crossed, that I pass.

That's it for this week. Once I hit the third trimester I will be starting a new series about getting ready for baby. I also hope to post a Bumpdate tomorrow.

Until tomorrow,


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