Thursday, March 26, 2015

Bumpdate: Week 27

For any who don't know, this little kitty, is my other little girl. Nugget wakes me up in the mornings with kisses and snuggles, chases me around the house with cute, high-pitch mews, pushes her little face into mine when I need some love, and is all around the most adorable kitten I've ever had. Poor thing, was given to us at 4 weeks old she was so tiny. She's seven months old now; her and Olivia should be the exact same size this week. I'm kind of worried about how she'll react when Olivia is born and she gets less attention from me, but for now she gets smothered in kisses and cuddles.

How far along? 27 weeks and 5 days!
Total weight gain: According to our scale today I weigh 150 lb., according to the doctor's office scale on Tuesday I weighed 148 lb. Hopefully I really haven't gained 5 lb. in the past week, but I guess we'll see what the numbers say next week.
Stretch marks: No stretch marks, but my belly button has been half in and half out all week.
Sleep: Better but not the best, I keep waking up on my back which is a no-no when pregnant especially seven months pregnant. So I am trying to sleep wedged between pillows.
Miss anything? Fitting in the shower, through doors, not feeling bulky.

Movement: This girl never sleeps, she's always moving. At some point I will post of video of my belly and her moving.
Cravings: None.
What makes you sick? Anything too greasy makes me get reflux and feel the need to vomit.
Labor signs: I thought I might of lost my mucus plug this week, but I did not. Other than that no signs of labor.
General Pregnancy Symptoms: I feel fat, and hungry all the time. Snacking is turning into a problem. Leg cramps are starting to make an appearance as is restless leg syndrome.

Looking forward to: The third trimester! It starts on Sunday, and I am super excited with only 12 weeks to go!
What's baby up to: Well Olivia is now getting into a regular sleep cycle. It sometimes fits mine, but she likes to wake mommy up with some squirming at about 5 or 6 in the morning. Olivia opens and closes her eyes and loves sucking on her thumb. She gets the hiccups almost daily, and often startles mommy with her jumps and wiggles. Her lungs are capable of functioning (with lots of medical help) if she were to be born right now.
Exercise: Clearly not enough because I am starting to pack on the pounds. I will definitely being doubling my efforts to get out and walk this trimester, especially since the sun is coming out and everything is warming up. 

This is Merlin, who insists on being mommy's little guardian if daddy isn't around. 

Other pregnancy news this week: I passed my gestational diabetes test, but also found out I'm a little low on iron. I am on a low dose iron supplement now, in addition to my prenatal. Doctor's appointments are every two weeks now, which has me realizing how soon little Olivia will be here. We also schedule maternity photos for the 3rd week of April. That's all for now.

Until next week,


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Baby To-Do List: Week 27

I am looking forward to a nice break this week. I get about five days off in a row so, a little relaxation time is in order. We had our doctor's appointment on Tuesday and everything came back normal. I passed my gestational diabetes test! We now have doctor's appointments every two weeks, and it's starting to feel like Olivia will be here really soon. 

This week's to-do list is really short, only two items, so I will discuss a little more of what's to come with my new series I am going to start next week.

 1. Choose a color for the nursery.
Since Jerry and I are renting unfortunately the only color we can have for the nursery is white. Our color scheme for everything else is a green and brown with owls. We may put up some wall decals, we just haven't decided yet.

2. Research cord blood banking.
If you ask your hospital they should have a pamphlet to give you about the basics of cord blood banking. If it sounds like something for you, then research it more. It really just isn't something I want to add onto my worry list in the delivery room.

That's it for this week. But since I am entering the third trimester on Sunday I have decided to start a new series on getting ready for baby. Each week I will post something new to help prepare in the last trimester for baby. Here's a rough schedule for the next few weeks:

Week 28: Birth Plan: This will include a sample birth plan, basic delivery terms, and what you should prepare for.
Week 29: Hospital Packet for Guests!: For any family that decides to come visit at the hospital I am putting together a packet of basic information, about the birth plan, the hospital, and stuff to do while waiting.
Week 30: Childbirth class, tour, and preregistration: This is going to be a basic rundown, of how to get ready for D-Day through your hospital.
Week 31: Maternity Photos: This is the week our maternity photos will be taken!
Week 32: Packing the hospital bag: What to pack, when to pack, and where to keep it.
Week 33: Baby Shower: My main baby shower will be this week!
Week 34: Setting up the nursery: This will be about putting everything together and buying any leftover items still needed. 
Week 35: Babymoon!: Jerry and I will hopefully be going on a babymoon this week!
Week 36: Getting the car ready for baby: What should be packed in the car, how to set up the car seat, etc.
Week 37: What happens when your water breaks: Having a plan ready for contractions, the mucus plug, water breaking, anything that may occur.
Week 38: Freezer meals: A list of freezer meals and how to make them for when cooking gets tough after baby.
Week 39: Pamper yourself/Padsicles: Taking a day to pamper yourself and how to make padsicles, the ultimate post-partum healer.
Week 40: Natural ways to induce labor: A list of ways to naturally and safely induce your labor.

That's all for today, hoping to post a Bumpdate tomorrow,

Until then,


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Bumpdate: Week 26

Today Jerry and I finished our registries. Walmart was a pain in the butt, and the scanner kept messing up on us, but we finished finally. We are now registered at both Target and Walmart with Target being the main store to get our biggest items. Anyways on to the bumpdate:

How far along? 26 weeks and 4 days!
Total weight gain: 145 lbs was the weigh in today. That makes 20 pounds so far, hopefully I'll only gain about 5 more pounds but it will probably be more like 10.
Stretch marks: Still no new ones! And my belly button is still an inny!
Sleep: SO MUCH BETTER! Jerry and I finally figured out how to sleep in a small bed comfortably. Have separate blankets! There's no more fighting over blankets and space in the middle of the night and I have been sleeping almost the whole night through.
Miss anything? Being able to shop for cute dresses. I hate shopping right now, because I feel like it's a waste of money for me, since I will only be able to wear it for a few months. All the cute dresses are just showing up in stores to taunt me.

Movement: She woke me up for the first time the other night! She moves about every other two hours for a half hour straight. She absolutely loves the radio and daddy. She goes nuts whenever he talks to her. 
Cravings: Not anything out of the ordinary this week. Although I have been wanting french fries a lot lately, it's nothing new for me.
What makes you sick? Greasy foods! I've had to cut back on my grease and fat intake for fear of gallbladder issues. Back pain, vomiting, and reflux have been a bit of a problem this past week.
Labor signs: I had two contractions earlier this week, but the doctor says they are nothing to worry about, and it's normal to have a few random contractions here or there after the third trimester. Last appointment, I was closed shut and there was no amniotic fluid leaking so, all normal.
General Pregnancy Symptoms: I am so hormonal lately! I get grumpy so fast or I'll suddenly feel like bursting into tears. Knowing I'm hormonal and this isn't typical behavior for me makes it worse. I feel bad for poor Jerry who is often the brunt of some of my snaps. (I'm sorry sweetie, I love you)

Looking forward to: Our next appointment, on Tuesday, and especially the third trimester which starts a week from Sunday!!! Fingers crossed for the appointment though as it is my gestational diabetes test! Also after this Tuesday appointments are now every two weeks instead of every month!
What's baby up to: Olivia is about 2 pounds this week and 14 inches long! She's practicing her breathing by inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid. She is slowly starting to see light through my belly and even jumps a little when a light gets turned on near here.
Exercise: Jerry and I have definitely been walking a little more, and I'm trying to do squats, but with work and school keeping me occupied it's been tough this week.

Today has been eventful and this weekend is packed with work. Not sure if I'll post again this week, but I will next.

Until then,


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Baby To-Do List: Weeks 25-26

This past weekend Jerry and I went home and had a nice relaxing weekend. It was great to have a weekend with family especially with this week full work for the both of us. Anyways here's the past two week's to do list.

1. Update your life insurance and add chosen guardianship to your will.
Jerry and I don't have life insurance, since we are a little young for it. As for updating our will we haven't really discussed it but we will be talking soon.

2. Write a birth plan.
I have started our birth plan and know that basics of what I want to happen. Soon you will need to go over it with your partner and your doctor.

3. Pre-register at your hospital or birthing center if possible.
Our hospital doesn't take registrations until the third trimester so we will go in then.

1. Interview potential pediatricians. Find out which local doctors are covered by your insurance.
Jerry and I are just starting to look for pediatricians. Besides looking for doctors covered by your insurance you are going to want to look at doctors who will be granted permission to enter the hospital at which you are giving birth.

2. Do any last minute travel. It's best to avoid travel once the third trimester hits.
This is something to discuss with your doctor. Most people still continue with travel well into the third trimester. I do not plan on traveling any more than 50 miles for my last 4 weeks.

3. Take the glucose screening test.
I have my appointment for this next week. Fingers crossed, that I pass.

That's it for this week. Once I hit the third trimester I will be starting a new series about getting ready for baby. I also hope to post a Bumpdate tomorrow.

Until tomorrow,


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

House Updates: Free Furniture!

Not much has been happening with the house lately. Jerry and I have been busy with work and I haven't had much time to go out shopping for paint and such. This past week though Jerry and I got lucky. In our neighborhood they were cleaning out on of the houses and had a dumpster filled with furniture. Jerry and I scavenged a bookshelf, an end table, and another cubby/bench from its depths. The bookshelf had some scrapes and only one shelf, and the end table had some sticky stuff on it. We brought them inside, sanitized them, and set them up. For furniture the living room now only needs a coffee table. We put both the end table and the cubby in the living room and we put the bookshelf in the craft room since we need the extra storage space in there so bad. 

This is the cubby. I am hoping to add a cushion to the top to make it into a bench. I am going to put a small mat down underneath it so we can put shoes in the bottom and I will probably put books or maybe a cat nook in the middle.

This is the end table. It's a little big, but we think it will work, plus it matches the cubby. I will probably just put a lamp on here since it is so large and it needs something to take up some of that space.

Here's the bookshelf. As you can see Jerry has already taken over the shelf with his Civil War books. The only think I can think to do with this, is, since there is such a big gap between the shelf and the bottom is put a curtain rod right underneath the shelf and maybe hang some re-enacting shirts or sewing projects in-progress from it. 

They look great and everything furniture-wise is coming together. Now if only I can get to Home Depot and pick up some paint! Hopefully posting a bumpdate tomorrow and the baby to-do list later this week. 

Until tomorrow, 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Baby To-Do List: Week 24

Not much has been happening this past week. It was spring break for college students so no school. Although this past week I did start training at my new job which was very exciting. It really fits me and I am enjoying it greatly! This week's to-do list is pretty short and simple.

1. Look into childcare options if you are planning to return to work.
I am planning on returning to work. Jerry and I thankfully have really flexible jobs and should not need childcare for at least the first year. Also my college provides childcare once little Olivia reaches a certain age.

2. Start planning the nursery.
I don't know about you but I started planning the nursery when I first found out I was pregnant. We have the layout we want, and we have registered for all the furniture we need now to set it up.

3. Get tested for gestational diabetes.
This is not a fun test. You get to drink this horrible orange liquid and then an hour later they'll draw your blood. And well if you don't pass right away they will continue to draw your blood for about three hours. My appointment is set for when I am 27 weeks, and I do not look forward to it.

Well that's all for today! Tomorrow I will post a bumpdate.

Until tomorrow,
