Well I made it to 36 weeks and as you can tell, I've gotten a lot bigger. So after a few weeks break I'm finally back with my 36 week bumpdate!
How far along? 36 weeks 3 days!
Total weight gain: Today at the doctor's office I was 156 lb. so that makes 31 pounds since the beginning. I can't even tell you how much I am counting down the days until I can head back to the gym.
Stretch marks: Holy crap, YES! They are bright red and all over my stomach. Prevention is no longer possible, damage control is the only option.
Sleep: Our full size bed is now too small for Jerry and I to sleep together, so we have a queen bed that we will be getting on Saturday (thanks to some amazing friends) until then he sleeps on the couch and I get the bed.
Miss anything? I miss everything, from bending over to shopping for cute clothing that fits. Also walking short distances without contractions, I mean I am so glad to be having contractions but I walk for five minutes and they start up immediately.
Movement: She is moving a little less frequently throughout the day, but when she does move is very strong movement for at least a half hour to a hour.
Cravings: I had a craving for ice cream sandwiches for about a month, but that is slowly going away and now it's McChicken's from McDonald's.
What makes you sick? Breakfast! I am starving in the mornings, but after I eat breakfast I get horribly nauseous, and I just have to wait for it to go away.
Labor signs: Contractions and cramps if I walk very far, but nothing that sticks around for a while. According to the doctor I "might" be dilated to a 1, but she hasn't dropped at all. Oh and very TMI, but I no longer have solid stools, which is apparently a sign of labor.
General Pregnancy Symptoms: I have restless leg syndrome really bad still, contractions everyday, she has started pinching my sciatic nerve which shoots constant pain down into my legs. I'm exhausted all the time, but other than that things are going pretty well.
Looking forward to: Getting this baby out of me! Yeah I know it's early and yes I know many of you are going to tell me to be patient and that she's better off in there. I have heard it all in the past few weeks, but you can all just read quietly for a few seconds. Pregnancy is tough and if she appeared right now she would be perfectly fine and healthy, so I can wish for her to get here all I want.
What's baby up to: Well Olivia is about 6 pounds and 18.5 inches long. Her development is pretty much completed. She's a beautiful healthy baby! Some doctors say she is term this week, some say next. All I know is if I head to the hospital with contractions they won't stop them!
Exercise: Jerry and I are taking walks for 30 minutes everyday to try and get her to move down and to get contractions to last.
Well we go to the doctor every week now and just today I had my group B strep test. No results yet. We have preregistration for childbirth next week and we just picked up our breast pump today. Everything is falling to place and we are so ready for baby Olivia to get here!
Until next time,
Looking forward to meeting you Olivia :) ... doesn't seem possible ...