Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Bumpdate: Week 26

Today Jerry and I finished our registries. Walmart was a pain in the butt, and the scanner kept messing up on us, but we finished finally. We are now registered at both Target and Walmart with Target being the main store to get our biggest items. Anyways on to the bumpdate:

How far along? 26 weeks and 4 days!
Total weight gain: 145 lbs was the weigh in today. That makes 20 pounds so far, hopefully I'll only gain about 5 more pounds but it will probably be more like 10.
Stretch marks: Still no new ones! And my belly button is still an inny!
Sleep: SO MUCH BETTER! Jerry and I finally figured out how to sleep in a small bed comfortably. Have separate blankets! There's no more fighting over blankets and space in the middle of the night and I have been sleeping almost the whole night through.
Miss anything? Being able to shop for cute dresses. I hate shopping right now, because I feel like it's a waste of money for me, since I will only be able to wear it for a few months. All the cute dresses are just showing up in stores to taunt me.

Movement: She woke me up for the first time the other night! She moves about every other two hours for a half hour straight. She absolutely loves the radio and daddy. She goes nuts whenever he talks to her. 
Cravings: Not anything out of the ordinary this week. Although I have been wanting french fries a lot lately, it's nothing new for me.
What makes you sick? Greasy foods! I've had to cut back on my grease and fat intake for fear of gallbladder issues. Back pain, vomiting, and reflux have been a bit of a problem this past week.
Labor signs: I had two contractions earlier this week, but the doctor says they are nothing to worry about, and it's normal to have a few random contractions here or there after the third trimester. Last appointment, I was closed shut and there was no amniotic fluid leaking so, all normal.
General Pregnancy Symptoms: I am so hormonal lately! I get grumpy so fast or I'll suddenly feel like bursting into tears. Knowing I'm hormonal and this isn't typical behavior for me makes it worse. I feel bad for poor Jerry who is often the brunt of some of my snaps. (I'm sorry sweetie, I love you)

Looking forward to: Our next appointment, on Tuesday, and especially the third trimester which starts a week from Sunday!!! Fingers crossed for the appointment though as it is my gestational diabetes test! Also after this Tuesday appointments are now every two weeks instead of every month!
What's baby up to: Olivia is about 2 pounds this week and 14 inches long! She's practicing her breathing by inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid. She is slowly starting to see light through my belly and even jumps a little when a light gets turned on near here.
Exercise: Jerry and I have definitely been walking a little more, and I'm trying to do squats, but with work and school keeping me occupied it's been tough this week.

Today has been eventful and this weekend is packed with work. Not sure if I'll post again this week, but I will next.

Until then,


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update :) Looking forward to meeting you Olivia!! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
