Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Bumpdate: Week 12

It's a day late, but oh well, yesterday was hectic. We had our doctor's appointment at 11:30 and finally got to meet our OB. Most importantly we got to hear our sweetie's little heartbeat, coming in at 162 bpm. That was the most relieving and precious part of the appointment. I had stressed myself out so much for the appointment that I had to come home and take a nap that turned into sleeping the day away. I woke up and Jerry was almost home from work, so I hurriedly made some taco soup and then we relaxed for the rest of the night. 

So today here's the bumpdate:

How far along? I am 12 weeks 4 days. So excited to almost be in my second trimester
Total weight gain: Right now I am at 135 lb. When I first found out I was pregnant I was a 140 lb. then the nausea hit me and I went down to 132 lb. but thankfully I am slowly going back up.
Stretch marks: Some small ones on my boobs.
Sleep: So far sleeping hasn't been terrible. It takes me a little longer than normal to get comfortable and every little thing wakes me up now, other than that I usually get a great night's sleep.
Miss anything? Being able to eat anything and everything, whenever I wanted.
Movement: Nothing yet.
Cravings: Fruit Roll-Up's and potato salad.
What makes me sick? The thought of red meat, just any meat in general makes me sick.
Labor signs: No.
General symptoms: I feel tired a lot, but the nausea is slowly fading. I am counting on that energy boost kicking in soon.
Looking forward to: Feeling movement!
What's baby up to? Our little sweetie is starting to move around more (even though I can't feel it yet) and beginning to use his or her reflexes. He or she can now urinate and their kidneys are fully functional. His or her face is starting to look like a face. The eyes have moved from the side of the head to the front and the ears are slowly doing the same. From crown to rump baby is about two inches (the size of a small apple) and weighs about 1/2 an ounce.  
Exercise: Definitely not as much as I should. It's so hard to get out and walk when it's below 35 outside.

Now I am off to start packing some moving boxes, and clean the house.

Until tomorrow,


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