Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Packing our Hospital Bags

Packing the hospital bag has been one thing I kind of keep pushing off until the last minute. I packed a bag for baby about three or four weeks ago, but Jerry and I have nothing packed. We decided it would be a little hard to pre-pack our laptops and such when we use those everyday, so we decided to kind of go a different route. Olivia's bag is all set and I will post a list of the items we packed in there. For our bag we decided to wait and pack when we head to the hospital. 

Olivia's bag contains:
a couple diapers
small pack of wipes
3 outfit changes
a pacifier
burp cloth
receiving blanket
soft blanket

Our bag will contain:
2 changes of clothes for Jerry
2 towels
a change of clothes for me
extra underwear for me
breast pump
cell phones/chargers
nipple cream & nursing pads
makeup/toiletries bag

That's about it. With only 3 1/2 weeks to go things are getting pretty anxious at our house. After Saturday there is almost nothing left for us to do to prepare for her arrival. It seems so odd that it's almost here. Hopefully later this week I will post the baby to do list and some other baby prep items.

Until then,


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bumpdate: Week 36

Well I made it to 36 weeks and as you can tell, I've gotten a lot bigger. So after a few weeks break I'm finally back with my 36 week bumpdate!

How far along? 36 weeks 3 days!
Total weight gain: Today at the doctor's office I was 156 lb. so that makes 31 pounds since the beginning. I can't even tell you how much I am counting down the days until I can head back to the gym.
Stretch marks: Holy crap, YES! They are bright red and all over my stomach. Prevention is no longer possible, damage control is the only option.
Sleep: Our full size bed is now too small for Jerry and I to sleep together, so we have a queen bed that we will be getting on Saturday (thanks to some amazing friends) until then he sleeps on the couch and I get the bed.
Miss anything? I miss everything, from bending over to shopping for cute clothing that fits. Also walking short distances without contractions, I mean I am so glad to be having contractions but I walk for five minutes and they start up immediately.

Movement: She is moving a little less frequently throughout the day, but when she does move is very strong movement for at least a half hour to a hour.
Cravings: I had a craving for ice cream sandwiches for about a month, but that is slowly going away and now it's McChicken's from McDonald's.
What makes you sick? Breakfast! I am starving in the mornings, but after I eat breakfast I get horribly nauseous, and I just have to wait for it to go away.
Labor signs: Contractions and cramps if I walk very far, but nothing that sticks around for a while. According to the doctor I "might" be dilated to a 1, but she hasn't dropped at all. Oh and very TMI, but I no longer have solid stools, which is apparently a sign of labor.
General Pregnancy Symptoms: I have restless leg syndrome really bad still, contractions everyday, she has started pinching my sciatic nerve which shoots constant pain down into my legs. I'm exhausted all the time, but other than that things are going pretty well.

Looking forward to: Getting this baby out of me! Yeah I know it's early and yes I know many of you are going to tell me to be patient and that she's better off in there. I have heard it all in the past few weeks, but you can all just read quietly for a few seconds. Pregnancy is tough and if she appeared right now she would be perfectly fine and healthy, so I can wish for her to get here all I want.
What's baby up to: Well Olivia is about 6 pounds and 18.5 inches long. Her development is pretty much completed. She's a beautiful healthy baby! Some doctors say she is term this week, some say next. All I know is if I head to the hospital with contractions they won't stop them!
Exercise: Jerry and I are taking walks for 30 minutes everyday to try and get her to move down and to get contractions to last. 

Well we go to the doctor every week now and just today I had my group B strep test. No results yet. We have preregistration for childbirth next week and we just picked up our breast pump today. Everything is falling to place and we are so ready for baby Olivia to get here!

Until next time,


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

How to Survive the Last 8 Weeks

The third trimester so far has been the best and the worst trimester I have gone through. The waiting is killing me, but the knowledge that she will be here soon has got me so excited. I have to say that every trimester has had a completely different feel to it. This one feels exhausting, for me anyway. We have been to the hospital 3 times so far this trimester, but nothing seems to be going wrong so that's great. My body on the other hand is getting some of it's biggest changes this trimester. I can't sleep, meals are a thing of the past, leg cramps rule my life, my boobs leak colostrum, stretch marks have made their appearance, and well I just feel fat. Pregnancy is not for the weak of heart, that's for sure. With 8 weeks to go until I get to hold my sweet little baby, you could say I am starting to count down the minutes. To help me (and my body) survive, I have created this list of things to keep with me always. Warning it's a little TMI for those that aren't or have not been pregnant.

1. Pantyliners!
You thought you had to pee before, well now with baby slowly dropping into the birth position, your bladder is now extra squished. Plus baby likes a nice punching bag and your bladder is the best thing! Pantyliners are your new best friend. I recommend carrying some in your purse and having plenty on hand in bathrooms.

2. Nipple Pads
As you start the third trimester you may notice some leakage happening from your breasts. As the trimester goes on you may find the leaking may stop or get worse. Luckily I have not gotten to the point of constant leakage, but I know some women do. Nipple pads become a necessity at that point, they just slip right into your bra. 
3. Lotion, specifically Cooling Lotion
I get the worst heat rash under my bra; cooling aloe vera lotion has become my life saver. I haven't heard of this as much with women with smaller boobs, but my boobs have gone up 3 sizes during this pregnancy and put off way too much heat. Also lotion is good to keep those dreaded stretch marks down. Unfortunately I did not keep up with this as well as I should have and I am now paying the price with six stretch marks on my belly.

4. Naps
I know this isn't something you can carry in your purse, but naps have become so important for me. I need one at least once every other day. 

5. Tylenol
As you stretch farther and farther, it seems more and more aches and pains pop up. Keeping a bottle of Tylenol on hand has helped me a lot. Also Icy Hot patches have been incredibly helpful with all the back pain.

6. Snacks
I keep a constant supply of granola bars and fruit snacks in my purse. I always either want something fruity or something sweet. Since meals have become a thing of the past, I often find I am hungry in the most random places and having one of those on hand while at work or the doctor's office is always nice.

7. A notepad.
It's getting to the point if I don't write something down I am going to forget. Like I probably should have written down all the things I wanted to remember to put in this post, but I didn't so I am a few items short and I am sure I will come back and edit it later. 

Until next time, 
