Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Packing our Hospital Bags

Packing the hospital bag has been one thing I kind of keep pushing off until the last minute. I packed a bag for baby about three or four weeks ago, but Jerry and I have nothing packed. We decided it would be a little hard to pre-pack our laptops and such when we use those everyday, so we decided to kind of go a different route. Olivia's bag is all set and I will post a list of the items we packed in there. For our bag we decided to wait and pack when we head to the hospital. 

Olivia's bag contains:
a couple diapers
small pack of wipes
3 outfit changes
a pacifier
burp cloth
receiving blanket
soft blanket

Our bag will contain:
2 changes of clothes for Jerry
2 towels
a change of clothes for me
extra underwear for me
breast pump
cell phones/chargers
nipple cream & nursing pads
makeup/toiletries bag

That's about it. With only 3 1/2 weeks to go things are getting pretty anxious at our house. After Saturday there is almost nothing left for us to do to prepare for her arrival. It seems so odd that it's almost here. Hopefully later this week I will post the baby to do list and some other baby prep items.

Until then,
